Inside the MFAH Posts tagged #gardens
“Inside the MFAH” provides perspectives, conversations, and opinions from insiders at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Summer Discovery Days at Bayou Bend August 2, 2020
Grab your smartphone or tablet and spread out across Bayou Bend’s 14 acres of gardens for self-guided, family-friendly explorations.
Father’s Day at Bayou Bend June 17, 2020
Bring Dad to Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens on Father’s Day for a memorable afternoon. Fathers & grandfathers get in free.
Gardening with the MFAH March 24, 2020
Bart Brechter, head of gardens & landscape operations, shares a personal perspective on tending the gardens at the MFAH.
What’s Blooming at Bayou Bend? Magnolias! May 1, 2015
The lush grounds at Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens are glorious year-round. Dazzling azaleas and camellias may take center stage during early spring, but framing the splendor are the magnificent magnolias, which bloom well into the summer months, when few other flowers can be found. The diverse magnolia collection brings beauty and variety to Bayou Bend Gardens. • The first type to bloom …Spring Break 2015: 6 Ways to Visit the MFAH for Free March 4, 2015
Houstonians don’t have to travel far or break the bank to have fun this Spring Break. Get out of the house and check out these six, free ways to enjoy the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston! 1) Cullen Sculpture GardenFor an outdoor experience, relax among sculptures by artists such as Ellsworth Kelly and Auguste Rodin. Admission is always free, and the garden is open every day from 9 a.m. to 10 p …One on One with the Curator of Bayou Bend Gardens February 16, 2015
You might expect that Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens has a curator for the art collection, but did you know there's a dedicated curator for the gardens, too? His name is Bart Brechter, and he’s seen it all—sunshine to hurricanes—since joining the staff in 2001. He and his team care for and expertly preserve the 14-acre estate and historic gardens, and we invited him to share some of his unique …#FutureMFAH January 19, 2015
Rooftop garden? Check. A new restaurant and theater? Check. Public plazas and reflecting pools? A walkable 14-acre campus? A translucent building to display 20th- and 21st-century art? Yes! All of the above, and more, for the future Fayez S. Sarofimcampus of the MFAH. The Museum is about to transform. Over the next five years, the campus is undergoing a dramatic redevelopment, adding three new …Sampling History: A Hidden Chapter Revealed February 16, 2012
Bayou Bend has acquired a rare sampler, skillfully stitched by an African American girl born in 1829. Mary J. Greenfield Smith was a student at the school of the Oblate Sisters of Providence—the first Roman Catholic society for women of African descent in the United States. The Oblate sisters founded a school that embraced a curriculum similar to schools for white girls of the time: preparing …New Year Reflections December 30, 2011
The following entry is an abridged version of my introductory remarks at a recent meeting to discuss the implementation of an Electronic Records Archives system. It revisits the motivating factors for seeking the planning grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission as the MFAH enters the final months of the project, having received a no-cost extension from the commission …