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  1. New Film from Mexico Explores the World of “The Chambermaid”

    Aug 5, 2019 - The Chambermaid leaves me with an unnerving feeling. My hope is that this film will help people think outside of the box. Outside the Box The Chambermaid makes me feel uneasy. It captures the monotony of Eve’s daily work routine. We see how she is helpful to others but does not receive the same attention or support.

  2. Journey through the Egyptian Afterlife with Matthew Barney’s “River of Fundament”

    Sep 1, 2016 - I was thrilled when MFAH film curator Marian Luntz e-mailed me about working with the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston to share Matthew Barney’s River of Fundament with Houston audiences. I am a lover of long Wagner operas like Tannhäuser, so time-based artworks that use their long format to fully transport the audience to other realms are pure pleasure to me. The critical response to River of Fundament, like that for Mailer’s Ancient Evenings, has been mixed, but most of those whose opinions I trust tell me that the nearly six hours spent are well worth it for an all-inclusive journey

  3. Olivia de Havilland Centennial Tribute

    She played romantic heroines paired with many top male stars, but her breakout performance came as Melanie in Gone with the Wind (1939), when Warner Brothers loaned her to David O. Selznick for the role in the MGM film.

  4. Art Encounters | Art & Movement

    This Art Encounters session offers art and music workshops inspired by Hélio Oiticica’s Vermelho cortando o branco (Red Going through White).

  5. “Radical: Italian Design” | 3 Questions for Dennis Freedman

    Jan 18, 2020 - It was the experience of living with that piece that inspired me to continue to collect. However, at that point, I had no idea it would lead me on a path that would change my life.    They helped to train my eye and gave me the first opportunity to actually purchase key works of Italian Radical design.

  6. Claude Monet: On Your Screen and in the MFAH Galleries

    Aug 5, 2020 - For me, it is only the surrounding atmosphere which gives subjects their true value.” The Work Capturing that atmosphere was always a race against time, and a race against the light. The Words “For me,” Monet wrote, “a landscape does not exist in its own right, since its appearance changes at every moment; but the surrounding atmosphere brings it to life—the light and the air which vary continually.

  7. “Staff Art Show” Spotlights Talent across the MFAH

    Feb 22, 2019 - Its abstractness is what inspired me.”   See more in the “Staff Art Show,” on view in the Beck Building through Sunday, February 24. To me, drawing is a very physical activity. I love to move the compressed charcoal around the paper with my fingers and attack it with an eraser, letting forms and voids find their pictorial spaces.”  

  8. Rothko in Reproduction: Dan Fischer’s Graphite Homage

    Dec 15, 2015 - Fischer explained to the Guardian: “I can’t really say how one image jumps out and chooses me, or I it—it just happens. I can say that I only draw artists or artworks that have inspired or moved me.”

  9. Welcome to the MFAH

    For me, the Museum is a place of wonder and enlightenment, as I hope it is for you.  Please visit often, and say hello when you see me in the galleries.Sincerely, Gary TinterowDirectorThe Margaret Alkek Williams ChairThe Museum of Fine Arts, Houston A Conversation with Gary TinterowWatch a series of conversations

  10. Arte Concreta at the MFAH

    Feb 1, 2016 - Upon seeing the exhibition, art critic Ferreira Gullar wrote about the differences between the two groups in his article “I - O Grupo de São Paulo: I Exposição Nacional de Arte Concreta” (Jornal do Brasil, Suplemento Dominical