Inside the MFAH Posts tagged #spring
“Inside the MFAH” provides perspectives, conversations, and opinions from insiders at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
“Arrival of Spring” in Houston March 16, 2021
Ann Dumas, consulting curator of European art, reveals her favorite painting in the exhibition Hockney – Van Gogh: The Joy of Nature.
MFAH (Virtual) Book Clubs: Spring Reads May 2, 2020
Stay connected with your friends and participate in engaging conversations, all presented by your fellow bookworms at the MFAH.
GONZO247: Celebrating Community, Color & Vincent van Gogh March 25, 2019
See GONZO247’s live-painting demonstration at the MFAH “Spring Festival” on Saturday, March 30!
What’s Blooming at Bayou Bend? Magnolias! May 1, 2015
The lush grounds at Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens are glorious year-round. Dazzling azaleas and camellias may take center stage during early spring, but framing the splendor are the magnificent magnolias, which bloom well into the summer months, when few other flowers can be found. The diverse magnolia collection brings beauty and variety to Bayou Bend Gardens. • The first type to bloom …Last Chance to See Video Art November 9, 2012
If you haven’t already seen There is no archive in which nothing gets lost, hurry! Head over to the museum's Glassell School of Art soon, before the show closes on November 25. Sally Frater, the curator and a Core Program critical-studies resident, selected works that are fresh, so to speak—made within the past decade. The title of the exhibition comes from a phrase in the book Deep Storage …Man on a Mission October 16, 2012
Brady Dial is the Austin-based producer of the inspiring documentary Man on a Mission. Emilia Duno, a senior at Lamar High School in the International Baccalaureate Film Program, chatted with Dial about the movie, his opinions on private space travel, and the Houston film scene. How did you first hear about Richard Garriott and his self-financed space adventure?BD: Mike [Woolf, the director] and …The Mountain November 3, 2011
Back in January of 2010, the news that the National Historical Publications and Records Commission would fund the MFAH’s two-year Electronic Records Archives (ERA) planning grant was met with elation by the project team, which originally consisted of the chief technology officer, the director of information technology, the records manager, and myself, the Archives director. (A third I.T. …