Support Bayou Bend

The Bayou Bend Annual Fund promotes the essential operations of this landmark house museum. From preserving the varied collection to providing educational resources for all, a gift to the Annual Fund makes a profound difference for Bayou Bend and the community it serves.

Donate to the Bayou Bend Annual Fund today.

Consider becoming a Bayou Bend Friend or Fellow, and enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

Bayou Bend Fellows: $2,500 or more* (FMV $420)
Includes all Bayou Bend Friends and MFAH Leadership Circle Fellows benefits, plus:

  • Invitations to cocktail receptions in the homes of Bayou Bend supporters
  • A fall or spring invitation to a special evening event
  • A private tour with a member of Bayou Bend’s senior staff for the donor and up to five guests
  • Acknowledgment in Bayou Bend Inside/Out magazine
  • Acknowledgment in Bayou Bend’s on-site donor board

*Bayou Bend Founders benefits received for gifts of $2,500 or more

Bayou Bend Friends: $500–$2,499 (FMV $100)
Benefits include:

  • Complimentary admission to Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens for one year
  • Subscription to Bayou Bend Inside/Out magazine
  • Invitation to a holiday reception at Bayou Bend for the donor and a guest
  • Recognition on the Bayou Bend section of

A list of donors to the Bayou Bend Annual Fund Drive is available here.

Questions? Please contact Haley Horan at or 713.639.7559.

Fundraising Events

Proceeds from a variety of benefit events help to ensure the Museum’s future success.
More Information

Ima Hogg Society

This society recognizes and celebrates those who remember Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens in their wills and estate plans. 
More Information

Education programs at Bayou Bend receive generous funding from Houston Junior Woman's Club; Mary Lynn and Steve Marks; Susan Vaughan Foundation; Denise Monteleone; Ms. Bobbie Nau; William A. and Madeline Welder Smith Foundation; and additional generous donors.

These education programs also receive income from funds provided by the Carol and Les Ballard Endowment; the Judy and Charles Tate Endowment; the James William Glanville and Nancy Hart Glanville Endowment; the Barbara Graham Williams Endowment; and the Bayou Bend Bonnie A. Campbell Education Programs Endowment.