Inside the MFAH Posts tagged #kids
“Inside the MFAH” provides perspectives, conversations, and opinions from insiders at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Virtual Cinema | “Kid Flicks” November 8, 2020
The popular annual Kid Flicks festival of short films features something new this year: the Spanish-language compilation ¡Viva Kid Flicks!
Fall Art Classes for Kids August 28, 2020
Fall art classes for kids are ready and waiting! Register your young artist for classes & workshops—virtual & in-person—at the Glassell School of Art.
Summer Discovery Days at Bayou Bend August 2, 2020
Grab your smartphone or tablet and spread out across Bayou Bend’s 14 acres of gardens for self-guided, family-friendly explorations.
Virtual Summer Art Classes at the Glassell Junior School July 18, 2020
Young artists, ages 4 to 18, can enroll in virtual summer classes at the Glassell Junior School.
Summer Art Explorers: Start Your Adventure! July 15, 2020
Kids can be MFAH art explorers all summer! Every week brings a different theme with new activities inspired by works of art in the MFAH collections.
Family Art Activity: Yarn-Weaving in Large Spaces April 20, 2020
Here’s an engaging in-home art activity the whole family will love. All you need is yarn and a room, and you’re in!
Family-Friendly Art Activities at Home April 1, 2020
MFAH teaching artist Rebecca Braziel, mother of four, shares engaging art-making projects and related tips for creating art at home.