The Madness Express (Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée)

Five Funny French Films

The location for this screening has changed to the Lynn Wyatt Theater in the Kinder Building.

Railroad ticket controller Sébastien gets promoted and plans to move with his pregnant fiancée. Sébastien must pass a performance evaluation on his last day on the job, but he learns the inspector is the one known as “crazy.” Yet Sébastien’s nightmare is just beginning: he realizes that his colleague who did not get promoted is on board and irrationally set on revenge. Get ready for the most unhinged and hilarious wild ride!

Generous support has been provided by Franci Neely, Melanie Gray and Mark Wawro, Nina and Michael Zilkha, and Joanie Patrick and Stephen Bettencourt.

The Madness Express (Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée)

Directed by Olivier Van Hoofstadt
(France, 2023, 88 minutes, in French with English subtitles)
Lynn Wyatt Theater, digital


Nancy and Rich Kinder Building
5500 Main Street
Houston, TX 77004
Map & Directions