Scarlet (L’Envol)
An enchanting fable based on a 1923 novel by Russian author Alexander Grin, Scarlet follows returning World War I soldier Räphael (Räphael Thiéry). Back at home in rural France, Räphael discovers that his wife has died, leaving him to raise their infant daughter, Juliette. The drama transforms into a pastoral portrait of Juliette as a young woman (Juliette Jouan) reckoning with a local witch’s prophecy for the future and falling for a modern man (Louis Garrel). In his first film made in France, director Pietro Marcello (Martin Eden) interweaves realist drama, ethereal romance, and musical flights of fancy.
The MFAH film department is supported by Tenaris; The June Leaf and Robert Frank Foundation; the Vaughn Foundation; The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea; Nina and Michael Zilkha; Franci Neely; Carrin Patman and Jim Derrick; Ms. Laurence Unger; L’Alliance Française de Houston; and ILEX Foundation.
Scarlet (L’Envol)
Directed by Pietro Marcello
(France/Italy/Germany, 2022, 103 minutes, in French with English subtitles)
Brown Auditorium Theater