Virtual Art Encounters “Seeing and Creating Lines” November 18, 2020

Rebecca Braziel at Lawndale Art Center
Kenneth Josephson, Western U.S., 1985, gelatin silver print, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum purchase funded by S. I. Morris Photography Endowment. © Kenneth Josephson
Rebecca Braziel, Original Homeowners, courtesy of the artist. © Rebecca Braziel
Rebecca Braziel, Billow, courtesy of the artist. © Rebecca Braziel
MFAH teaching artist Rebecca Braziel fills us in on the next installment of Virtual Art Encounters, inspired by art in the Museum’s new Nancy and Rich Kinder Building.
What’s the theme for this edition of Virtual Art Encounters?
“Seeing and Creating Lines” features two ways to explore the process of creating lines: virtually and in person! To go virtual, you can capture examples of lines in everyday life and share using the hashtag #ArtEncountersMFAH on social media. To participate in person, visit Lawndale’s sculpture garden—more on that in a minute. Both experiences are appropriate for all ages and skill sets.
How does this program connect with the MFAH art collections?
Our inspiration for “Seeing and Creating Lines” comes from one of the thematic installations in the new Kinder Building: Line into Space, which showcases sculpture, printmaking, painting, and drawing. As a mixed-media artist, I am often creating tools and techniques, which is why I am inspired by the wide range of exploration happening within the practices of these artists.
How did the collaboration with Lawndale Art Center come about?
Partnering with neighboring institutions in the Museum District is important to the MFAH. This collaboration was born from a previous one with artist Emily Fens, Lawndale’s community engagement manager. She worked with the MFAH on “Music in the Plaza” last year. Seeing that I’m a featured artist in Lawndale’s lending library and part of the Virtual Art Encounters team, it seemed perfect for me to design this new edition.
What do we need to know if we want to participate from home?
Observing is a form of participation! Keep up with the project through MFAH social media, and take pictures of the lines in your surroundings using #ArtEncountersMFAH to share with us. You can also email the photos to and let us share them!
How do we participate at Lawndale?
Join us on Saturday, November 21, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. We’ll meet up in the Mary E. Bawden Sculpture Garden at Lawndale Art Center, 4912 Main Street—just a few blocks from the Kinder Building, at 5500 Main Street. Using objects on hand, we’ll paint custom surfaces made especially for this event. Thanks to the interactive nature of Virtual Art Encounters, this project will be up at Lawndale through the month of November, allowing participants to collectively change the surfaces over time.
Anything else we might want to know?
The Lawndale activity is outdoors with social distancing. Oh, and it’s all free!
About the Program
Led by artists and inspired by art, Virtual Art Encounters brings the Museum’s popular studio-style art project online.
Art Encounters receives generous support from Learning Ninjas.
Learning and Interpretation programs receive generous funding from the Jerold B. Katz Foundation; Institute of Museum and Library Services; H-E-B; MD Anderson Cancer Center; Sharon G. Dies; Sterling-Turner Foundation; Houston Junior Woman's Club; Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo; The Brown Foundation, Inc.; Susan Vaughan Foundation; and additional generous donors.