Inside the MFAH Posts tagged #technology
“Inside the MFAH” provides perspectives, conversations, and opinions from insiders at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Assembling “The Light Inside” August 9, 2013
I interviewed the Museum’s own Russ Lane, who served as lead preparator for James Turrell: The Light Inside. We talked about the unique requirements of this special exhibition and Russ’s father’s interest in flying, a shared experience that has created an even deeper appreciation of Turrell’s work. SS: Hello, Russ! Can you introduce yourself?RL: My name is Russ Lane, and I am a preparator (or …The Characters of Kenwood: Daphne Guinness June 27, 2012
During the run of the exhibition Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Gainsborough: The Treasures of Kenwood House, London, we will fill you in on the lives of the characters that add to the colorful history of the Kenwood estate. Last time we introduced you to Mary, Countess Howe, whose elegant portrait by Thomas Gainsborough depicts fashion trends of the 18th century.The name Guinness may first have become …New Year Reflections December 30, 2011
The following entry is an abridged version of my introductory remarks at a recent meeting to discuss the implementation of an Electronic Records Archives system. It revisits the motivating factors for seeking the planning grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission as the MFAH enters the final months of the project, having received a no-cost extension from the commission …The Mountain November 3, 2011
Back in January of 2010, the news that the National Historical Publications and Records Commission would fund the MFAH’s two-year Electronic Records Archives (ERA) planning grant was met with elation by the project team, which originally consisted of the chief technology officer, the director of information technology, the records manager, and myself, the Archives director. (A third I.T. …In the Beginning November 3, 2011
In January of 2010, the MFAH Archives received a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to study and plan the implementation of a trustworthy electronic records archive over a two-year period. The objective of the grant is to extend the archival function of preserving the museum’s permanent records into the electronic realm, since, after all, that is how records …