Inside the MFAH Posts tagged #animation
“Inside the MFAH” provides perspectives, conversations, and opinions from insiders at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Virtual Cinema | 2021 Oscar-Nominated Short Films: Animation, Documentary & Live Action “Overview” March 27, 2021
It’s that time of the year again, and the winner is ... you! Get the popcorn ready and choose your favorites for the Oscar pool. All three categories stream April 2 to May 2.
Virtual Cinema | 2021 Oscar-Nominated Short Films: Animation “Global Scope” March 26, 2021
The short films nominated for Academy Awards in the Animation category are the work of filmmakers from all over the world.
Virtual Cinema “John Lewis: Good Trouble” and “One Small Step” July 5, 2020
Take a journey through the life of late Civil Rights icon John Lewis. Then, explore the creativity of 12 family-friendly animated short films.
Virtual Cinema “The Wolf House” and “New French Shorts 2020” May 30, 2020
See a dystopian animated feature set in Chile, and a showcase of award-winning short films from France.
Sight, Sound & Cinematic Motion: The Mary Ellen Bute Retrospective at MFAH Films January 26, 2018
Houstonian Mary Ellen Bute (1906–1983) isn’t a household name, so we at MFAH Films are happy to be teaming up with Aurora Picture Show and the Center for Visual Music to showcase Bute’s remarkable talents for her hometown audience.