Glassell-on-the-Go@Home January 24, 2021

André Derain, The Turning Road, L’Estaque, 1906, oil on canvas, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, John A. and Audrey Jones Beck Collection, gift of Audrey Jones Beck. © Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris
Wangechi Mutu, Forbidden Fruit Picker, 2015, photomontage from printed sources, collage, spray paint, and cut fabric with ink on Mylar and paper board, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum purchase funded by the Caroline Wiess Law Accessions Endowment Fund. © Wangechi Mutu
Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt), Apliqué de Reticulárea (Reticulárea Wall Appliqué), 1969, iron and stainless steel wire, nylon, and lead weights, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum purchase funded by the Caroline Wiess Law Accessions Endowment Fund, the 2007 Latin American Experience Gala and Auction, the Wortham Foundation, Jorge Raull, Vanessa J. Riley, Frank Ribelin, CITGO, and various donors in memory of Marisol Broido. © Fundación Gego
The MFAH and Houston Public Library are teaming up to bring “Glassell-on-the-Go” to children and families throughout the Houston area. This studio-art outreach program takes the Glassell Junior School’s acclaimed art classes directly to local communities.
The Museum offers creative and innovative experiences that inspire lifelong learning. Watch the videos below and download the activity guides to create your own works of art at home. Explore the work of artists in the MFAH collections, and learn how to use a variety of art tools, materials, and techniques.
► Register for free “Glassell-on-the-Go” courses.
► Learn more about the Glassell Junior School.
Glassell-on-the-Go@Home | Week 1
“Geometric Abstraction with Sculpture”
• Activity Guide
Glassell-on-the-Go@Home | Week 2
“Collage with Wangechi Mutu”
• Activity Guide
Glassell-on-the-Go@Home | Week 3
“Landscapes with André Derain”
• Activity Guide
Virtual Learning & Interpretation programs are generously underwritten by the Jerold B. Katz Foundation.
Glassell-on-the-Go receives generous support from the Cockrell Family Fund.