Greece Study Abroad Trip | Info Session

February 5, 2025
This spring, the Glassell Studio School offers a cultural trip to explore Greece for five days. Learn more about this study-abroad course at an information session led by Patrick Palmer, dean of the Studio School; and Anna Tahinci, professor and chair of art history.

About the Study-Abroad Course
Four preparatory lectures in the Glassell School auditorium offer a panoramic overview of Greek art and museums in Athens. While in Greece, students visit a curated selection of museums and sites during a five-day trip. Tuition is $3,700 (airfare and accommodation not included).

Plan Your Visit

The Glassell School of Art receives generous funding from the Glassell Family; The Skiles Foundation; Leslie and Brad Bucher; Mr. and Mrs. John S. Orton; Powell Foundation; Sue and Rusty Burnett; Ellen and David Berman; JBD Foundation; Wells Fargo Foundation; and additional generous donors.


Glassell School of Art
5101 Montrose Boulevard
Houston, TX 77006
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